Đầu đốt MILLE [kW 2550 ÷ 13000] - Công Ty Công Nghệ Xanh Hà Nội

Đầu đốt MILLE [kW 2550 ÷ 13000]

To mechanical pulverization.
These industrial burners, made of a solid aluminium die-cast monobloc, are available either in version for heavy oil up to 50 cSt a 50°C (7°E a 50°C), or for oil whose viscosity is included between 50 cSt at 50°C (7°E at 50°C) and 110 cSt at 50°C (15°E at 50°C). 
Upon request it is also available for heavy oil (up to 400 cSt a 50°C – 50°E at 50°C).
This kind of burners use a mechanical air atomization system and are provided with a double tank with pre-heater and electrical resistances to keep the fuel liquid. 
These burners are ignited by means of a pilot flame burning LPG or Natural gas. 
Each model is designed to ensure optimum performance and high reliability by correct matching of the blast tube to the combustion head and by using the air inlet to optim

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