Đầu đốt NOVANTA [kW 550 ÷ 8000] - Công Ty Công Nghệ Xanh Hà Nội

Đầu đốt NOVANTA [kW 550 ÷ 8000]

This monobloc series made of a solid die-cast aluminium housing, represents all our experience made in the field of medium-large output burners. The monobloc version incorporates into the casting the combustion air fan which is mounted direct on the shaft of a three phase motor also driving the oil pump (except PG515 and PG525 burners, using a specific motor for the oil pump). The range is divided in two groups: the series NOVANTA (up to 4100 kW), and the series CINQUECENTO (up to 8000 kW), both are equipped with a by-passing nozzle to allow a ratio 1:3.The light oil output can be adjusted through a pressure regulator which effects on the return pipe line. All burners fit a control panel which includes the control box and a mimic diagram with lamps showing the sequential stages of burner operation.

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